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2024-05-06 13:52:15 来源:春回文学 点击:12
1、年轻贵在拼搏。 The most important thing in youth is hard work. 2、青春用来挥霍。 Youth is used to squander. 3、有梦才不怕痛。 A dream is not afraid of pain. 4、永远志在四方。 Always be ambitious. 5、胜不娇败不馁。 Victory is not delicate, defeat is not disheartened. 6、不能错的决定。 You can't make a wrong decision. 7、重拾搁浅的梦。 Pick up the stranded dream again. 8、有理不在高声。 Reason is not loud. 9、努力奔向目标。 Strive for the goal. 10、年轻诠释梦想。 Youth interprets dreams. 11、小水不容大舟。 Small water does not allow big boats. 12、有梦就别怕痛。 Don't be afraid of pain if you have a dream. 13、心碎志不可碎。 A broken heart cannot be broken. 14、没什么大不了。 It's no big deal. 15、学会抛开过去。 Learn to let go of the past. 16、趁年轻去努力。 Work hard while you are young. 17、一步一个脚印。 work steadily. 18、痛苦给予力量。 Pain gives strength. 19、人总要靠自己。 People always depend on themselves. 20、为乐趣而读书。 Read for fun. 21、奋斗的小青年。 Struggling young people. 22、在孤单中奋斗。 Struggle in solitude. 23、学然后知不足。 Learn and then learn. 24、高傲的存在着。 There is arrogance. 25、田里的守望者。 The catcher in the field. 26、困境造就斗士。 Difficulties make fighters. 27、向往鹰的飞翔。 Yearning for the eagle's flight. 28、天会亮、心会暖。 The day will be bright and the heart will be warm. 29、尽信书不如无。 It is better to believe in books than none. 30、命由天事在己。 It's up to you.




